The TRS party chief is in Delhi from a long time and there is no single bit of information from him about his meetings or T-issue. But here are his detractors who are accusing him of getting ready to cheat people again.

'KCR is a cheater and he is getting ready to cheat Telangana people once again', said RTC ex-chairman and Jagan loyalist Gone Prakasa Rao. 'His whole strategy is for the welfare of his family but not for the people of this region', he accused.  He breathed fire as to why KCR is not taking any other leader with him to meet Vaayilar Ravi. 'Reports are saying that KCR gave nod to Hyderabad as joint capital. But that means cutting the state into three parts, which is not acceptable', he adds. However, all these critical takes on the pink-party leader are just answers to speculation but we have to wait for KCR's word to know what exactly is happening.

Congress MPs, on the other side are feeling that within next three months a decision is to be taken on Telangana, which otherwise will prove critical for the existence of party.


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