Hyderabad, June 1: Telangana lawyers on Friday launched an agitation at the High Court, demanding immediate arrest of the CBI First Additional Court Judge Pattabhi Rama Rao, who was suspended by the High Court.

It was alleged that Pattabhi Rama Rao has received Rs 5 crores as bribe from the former Karnataka minister and mining baron Gali Janardana Reddy to grant him bail. Pattabhi Rama Rao granted bail to Gali on May 12. However, the former mining baron continued to be in jail in Karnataka as he was arrested there in connection with another case. After Pattabhi Rama Rao granted bail to Janardana Reddy, the CBI grew suspicious and conducted a secret investigation. It reportedly found that the judge had received bribe and placed the facts it found before the Chief Justice Madan B Lokur. The Chief Justice has entrusted further probe to the Registrar, who confirmed the charge. After getting the confirmation, the Chief Justice referred the matter to a collegium of five judges, which recommended the judge’s suspension.


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