Considered as one of the finest beauties of Telugu Industry, Bhumika Chawla is again returning to full time acting in Telugu industry. Indeed, this is sending bad signals across the tinsel town. After burning her hands as a producer for 'Thakita Thakita' along with her yoga-guru husband, the celebrity couple of Bharat Takur and Bhumika Chawla are debt ridden. After taking a stipulated break to recover from the blow, she is now joining as a heroine opposite Jagapathi Babu in upcoming movie 'April Fools'. They say that it is normal for bachelor heroines to rise and fall and rise, but being a married aunty, Bhumika's acts might get her only B-grade flicks. There is also a chance of ending up like Arthi Agarwal who has done some sleazy flicks after marriage and is seen nowhere now. Critics are feeling that Bhumika is still having that aura on her face to mesmerize Telugu youths unlike Arthi babe. Let us see.


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