yderabad, June 6: On Day 4 of Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy’s CBI custody, the agency has reportedly grilled him on the investments into Janani Infra, the infrastructure arm of Jagati Publications and over valuing of Sakshi’s share. 

After concluding questioning at 5 PM as per high court’s orders, Jagan was shifted back to the Chanchalguda jail. CBI has one more day custody of the Kadapa MP.

Jagan was on Wednesday questioned in the presence of his auditor and trusted lieutenant Vijaya Sai Reddy and Kakinada MLA Dwarampudi Chandrasekhara Reddy, who was director of the Janani Infra. Dwarampudi was let off at 2 PM. 

At the appointed time of 10-30 am, CBI sleuths have taken custody of Jagan at the Chanchalguda jail and shifted him to their office in Kothi in the bulletproof vehicle. He was questioned for six hours.

It is learnt that CBI Joint Director Lakshmi Narayana has himself questioned Jagan, in the presence of two his lawyers and Vijaya Sai Reddy. As Jagan has been replying for all the questions on financial deals that only Vijaya Sai knew about them, CBI has made the auditor sit in the room and took clarifications from him instantaneously. It is learnt that CBI authorities who received flak during the first three days because of the adamant attitude of Jagan, made some headway on Wednesday.


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