Star director SS Rajamouli, who has completed the first schedule of his movie ‘Eega’, has reportedly approached the Hollywood CGI (computer generated imagery) experts for introducing high-end computer graphics for the movie.The producers of the movie, which will be a full-fledged animation flick, are ready to spend Rs.5 Cr for computer graphics. The story of the movie, which will move around a fly and a man, has to show minute details of movements of the fly and only computer graphics can do that.Rajamouli, who is making this movie in both Telugu and Tamil languages, has plans to dub this into several languages including English and release it world wide.

Rajamouli says on his twitter page: “I have completed the first schedule of Eega and ended it on a very satisfactory note. I am very happy with Sudeep, Samantha and Nani.”  These three actors are playing the lead roles in the experimental film.


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