Telangana Rashtra Samithi president K Chandrasekhar Rao sought to step up pressure on the Centre, stating that more than 100 MLAs from Telangana region, cutting across their party lines, were prepared to quit if the Centre backtracked on its decision to carve out separate state.

Addressing the party workers at Telangana Bhavan, KCR said the Telangana MPs from all parties were also ready with “resignation letters in their pockets” in the event of volte face by the union government, he said.

“Do not test the patience of Telangana people. We are ready to sacrifice our lives but will not compromise on our goal,” KCR said. He warned that there would be a “bloodbath” if the government went back on its word. “Telangana is a land of sacrifices and struggles. We are prepared to sacrifice four lakh lives to achieve our statehood goal,” he said.

Making it clear that there would be no compromise on Hyderabad being the capital of Telangana, KCR warned “If anyone staked claim over Hyderabad, we will slit their tongues. We will not part with Hyderabad.”

He demanded that the Centre take steps to complete the process of bifurcation without any further delay.


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